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gen. play a wrong card; boss; make an error; make a blunder; make a mistake; pull the wrong pig by the ear; take a false step; make a mistake in (в чём-либо); made a bad break; commit an error; stumble
Игорь Миг screw up
adv. make mistake
amer. fumble (Val_Ships); bungle (The government bungled badly in planning the campaign. Val_Ships); be in the wrong (He knew he was in the wrong but refused to concede the point. Val_Ships)
dipl. make a false move
formal make a faux pas (Wakeful dormouse)
idiom. bark up the wrong tree (to make the wrong choice: I barked up the wrong tree when I applied to such good colleges with my average grades.)
inf. slip up; pull a boner (dated: We we all pull boners now and then. • I pulled an awful boner when I mentioned his ex-wife.); foul up (to spoil by making mistakes or using poor judgment Val_Ships)
Makarov. perpetrate a blunder; drop a clanger; commit a blunder
mil. commit blunder
mil., avia. put up a black (Brit.; из практики обозначения ошибок лётчиков чёрным карандашом MichaelBurov)
obs. fault (Aly19)
slang come a cropper; fungo
vulg. put one's foot in it (it=shit)
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