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verb | verb | to phrases
разбросать vstresses
gen. throw about; squander; bestrew; broadcast; diffuse; disperse; disseminate; distribute (distribute manure over a field – разбросать удобрение по полю); intersperse; overspread; send flying; spread out; betoss; ted; scatter about; disject; scatter; strew; sprinkle; dot across (в т.ч. по территории; e.g. Stone circles and standing stones are dotted across the country. Navigatoress); spread
Gruzovik spread (pf of разбрасывать)
Gruzovik, inf. scatter about (pf of разбрасывать)
Makarov. spill
разбросаться v
gen. strew; disperse; disseminate; scatter; scatter about; spread
fig. do too many things at once
Gruzovik, inf. sprawl the limbs ungracefully (pf of разбрасываться); leave one's things scattered all over (pf of разбрасываться); dissipate one's energies (pf of разбрасываться); squander one's energies (pf of разбрасываться); spread the limbs ungracefully (pf of разбрасываться); spread oneself thin (pf of разбрасываться); overreach oneself (pf of разбрасываться); of hair come loose (pf of разбрасываться)
inf. stretch out; come loose; dissipate; leave things scattered all over; overreach oneself; sprawl; spread oneself thin; spread the limbs ungracefully; squander energies; throw about
: 26 phrases in 5 subjects