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односемейный домstresses
amer. single family unit (unit = квартира (одна из какого-либо количества в здании); напр., может быть 4 units в дуплексе, и хотя в каждой может проживать по семье, это никак не означает, что это односемейные "дома" ART Vancouver)
Makarov. detached house
real.est. single-family dwelling (...permit construction of a single-family dwelling with a gross floor area beyond that currently permitted under the prevailing zoning.); single-family house; single-family home (SFH, SF home: "Why would someone buy a home for that amount when you can get a single-family home on a huge lot for the same price? Lower the prices and they will sell." • Every address west of Wellington Road is a SF home with a driveway either in the front or through the back lane. ART Vancouver)
односемейный дом: 6 phrases in 6 subjects
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