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не так страшен чёрт, как его малюютstresses
gen. the devil is not so frightful as he is painted; the devil isn't so black as he is painted; the devil isn't so frightful as he is painted
saying. the devil is not so black as he is painted (В.И.Макаров); the devil is not so terrible as he is painted (Anglophile); devil is not so black as he is painted (В.И.Макаров); he is not so black as he's painted; the lion is not so fierce as he is painted; the devil is not so bad as he is painted (В.И.Макаров); his bark is worse than his bite (В.И.Макаров); the devil is not as black as he is painted; devil is not as black as he is painted
saying., context. paint the devil blacker than he is (вариант требует замены конструкции valtih1978)