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gen. muzz; gammon; put ideas into someone's head (кому-либо Anglophile); pull someone's leg (кому-либо Anglophile); play games with one (Interex); muzzle; lead someone a dance; lead up the garden path about (triumfov); take someone for a ride (кому-либо); take someone in (кому-либо); play head games (Дмитрий_Р); play a swindle (Ivan1992); mess around (DariaChernova); talk bunkum (Capital); talk nonsense (Capital); talk hokum (Capital); talk rubbish (Capital); mess about (Don't mess me about. I want the money you promised me u_horn); mess with someone's head (ART Vancouver); riff (Lyubov_Zubritskaya); mislead (+ dat.); deceive (+ dat.); draw a leg (кому-л.); draw one's leg (кому-л.); pull a leg (кому-л.); pull one's leg (кому-л.)
Игорь Миг crap (всякой ерундой); muddy the water; lead down the garden path
amer. drive someone up the wall over something, hassle or annoy or pester someone to no end (Maggie)
brit. pull someone's plonker (slang Clepa)
horticult. play around with (VLZ_58)
idiom. lead someone up the garden path (Mira_G); fill someone's head with nonsense (george serebryakov); lead someone down the garden path (Mira_G); not make sense (It's super frustrating when you're talking to a customer service person and they're not making sense! All I'm asking is why my phone bill has gone up from $134 a month to $189 and no one can explain it. They're saying the same things to me over and over again and it's gibberish! – они морочат мне голову ART Vancouver); give someone a song and dance ("I guess now we can do some business together." "Not that way," I said. "Huh?" He bent his eyebrows together. (...) "Having stray broads call me up and give me a song and dance so you can say they said they recognized my voice somewhere sometime." (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver); give sb. the runaround (to fail to give someone information or help that he or she needs by not answering questions or by not dealing with the problem directly (Merriam-Webster) | to deliberately avoid giving someone a definite answer, especially when they are asking you to do something (Longman) -- о действиях чиновников, бюрократов: Their customer representatives keep giving me the runaround. • Every time we ask the landlord about fixing the roof, he gives us the runaround. ART Vancouver)
inf. play with someone's head (plushkina); bosh (VLZ_58); engage in window-dressing (Andrey Truhachev); put a bee in someone's bonnet (Andrey Truhachev); drag someone along on a string of lies (4uzhoj); bullshit (VLZ_58); string along (drag someone along on a string of lies: You've been stringing me along all this time! Taras); play around with (It's about time he stopped playing around with her – Ему уже пора перестать морочить ей голову VLZ_58); gaslight (ningen); mess with sb's mind (Shabe)
jarg. play possum (Girl #1: Omg, he is totally playing 'possum with me. Now what? Girl #2: just leave him alone. VLZ_58); fake out (VLZ_58)
Makarov. goof off
Makarov., inf., amer. fake out
Makarov., Scotl. draw leg (кому-либо)
proverb give somebody a dance (кому-либо); lead somebody a dance (кому-либо)
slang stall
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gen. turn sb's head (Ремедиос_П); play (someone Logofreak); screw with (someone Cooleshova)
Makarov. pull the other leg
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gen. yank chain (To tease someone, often by trying to convince him or her of something that isn't true. КГА)
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Gruzovik, inf. take someone for a ride; take someone in
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inf. have someone on a line (Enrica)
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: 18 phrases in 5 subjects