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gen. G-spot (если не верите, посмотрите в Оксфорд Олегарио; ну посмотрели и что? "a sensitive area inside a woman’s vagina that is thought to give great sexual pleasure when touched". определение клитора в Оксфорде: "the small sensitive organ just above the opening of a woman’s vagina which becomes larger when she is sexually excited". совершенно разные вещи. не надо людей путать pt)
amer. joy button (also joy buzzer – the clitoris: I reached around and found her joy button • Maledicta VI:1+2 (Summer/Winter) 131: Boy in the boat (clitoris, button, dot, joy buzzer, cockpit) Taras)
anat. clitoris
bot. butterfly pea (Clitoria)
idiom. boy in the boat (Clitoris. Interex)
invect. button
med. coles femininus; amor veneris (jagr6880)
slang hair trigger (Alexey Lebedev)
vulg. bell; little boy (см. little man in the boat); bean; boy in a boat; budgie's tongue; canoe driver (см. canoe); clit; dot; expressive button; fanny flange; goalkeeper; jointess; joy buzzer; little man in the boat (см. little boy in the boat); love bud; love-button (см. button); otter's nose; pearl; slit; sugared almond; taste bud; man in; nub (Tink)
клитор: 50 phrases in 5 subjects