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гопник nstresses
gen. rough trade (suburbian)
contempt., brit. chav (from Romani "child"; a working-class youth, especially one associated with aggression, poor education, and a perceived "common" taste in clothing and lifestyle bladey)
explan. lowlife (Tanya Gesse); bully (It's basic bully psychology: as long as there is no push-back the bully will continue to push the weakling around. Steblyanskiy); street group mugger (visitor); street tough (visitor); thug (4uzhoj)
slang yob (Anglophile); yobbo (Anglophile); charv (myrinx); charver (myrinx); scumbag (ирл. KeCH); spide (Tetiana Diakova); skanky guy (в определенном контексте readerplus); scally (Terenz); lout (Taras); roadman (g305); rough (VLZ_58); slav (типичный восточно-европейский гопник (в адидасах, сидящий на "кортах" и стреляющий "сиги" у прохожих); термин обширно используется на Интернет-площадках вроде 9gag BlackBeardThePirate); punk (lexicographer)
slang, brit. townie (Баян)
slang, irish knacker (Moscow Cat); scanger (a rough, uncouth youth; ignorant, stupid female; a person who is associated with petty criminality and who is seen as strongly identified with brand names in music, clothing, sport, vehicles, and so forth; syn.: chav, charva, charver, knacker; тж. см. skanger Taras); skanger (тж. см. scanger Taras)
slang, scottish ned (bladey)
гопники n
explan. thugs (My honey bunny is so feisty, she even saved me from thugs a couple of times Taras)
slang, brit. hoodlums (недословный перевод, но образ жизни схожий, by philochko Goplisum); roadmen (Aiduza)
гопник: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
American usage, not spelling1