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gen. lasher; hay-baling wire (Taras); baling wire (Taras); bale wire (Taras); farm wire (Taras); soft wire (Taras); utility wire (is great for multifunctional purposes. Use in DIY projects anywhere in the workhouse, garden, or farm. Use for bailing, tying or fencing. Designed to be malleable this wire is easy to use Taras); mechanic's wire (This mechanic's wire, also known as bailing wire or soft wire, is great for handling a wide variety of tasks from binding hay and straw to securing cardboard, textiles or other materials for storage and organization Taras); haywire (Vadim Rouminsky)
agric. haywire; baling wire
automat. binding wire (для крепления проводов); tie wire (для крепления проводов)
construct. tying wire; tie-wire; tie wire; annealed wire; binding wire
el. concrete reinforcement wire
isol. lacing wire (VPK)
logist. stitching wire (VeronicaIva)
media. binding-in wire
met. binding wire (для упаковки продукции)
tech. bundle iron; fastening wire; lashing wire; binder; taping wire
вязальная проволока: 8 phrases in 3 subjects
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