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винтить vstresses
amer. sky up (Taras)
Gruzovik, inf. play vint; screw in; screw up; unscrew; take to one's heels; play whist
inf. detain (ybelov); bundle (informal: push, carry, or send forcibly, hastily, or unceremoniously: he was bundled into a van, вариант перевода Kovrigin)
tech. screw
Игорь Миг, jarg. apprehend (The whole thing, in slang, is винтилово (a crackdown). Винтить (to screw) and скрутить (to twist) can be used to describe nasty things done to arms: Они скрутили ему руки и потащили его в автозак (They twisted his arms and dragged him to the paddy wagon). But alone, without the arms and hands, either verb means to detain someone. Они стояли на стороне и никто их не винтил (They stood off to the side and no one apprehended them.) /// вариант перевода: mberdy//US/19)