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братка nstresses
black.sl. slim (andreon)
jarg. mate (4uzhoj)
nonstand. bro (igisheva)
slang champ (Баян)
oбратка n
slang payback (oligarch-speak ankicadeenka); retaliation (eye for an eye ankicadeenka)
браток n
gen. possy (член того же или близкого к субъекту криминального социума, как правило стоящий ниже по иерархической лестнице нежели сам субъект. Например, Промокашка, Кирпич и Копченый are possies Горбатому fttoa); champ (Bartek2001); thug (Tanya Gesse)
black.sl. brotha (grafleonov)
Gruzovik, inf. old man (as term of address); old chap (as term of address); my boy (as term of address); boy (as term of address)
slang mobster (slang denghu); nigga (Slang term for homie, friend, buddy, etc., used primarily by African-Americans but has spread to other races as well tarantula); buddy (Andrey Truhachev); nizzle (a close friend. A hip-hop, urban black coinage, formed as a rhyming reduplication of SHIZZLE (sure, yes) US, 2001; Partridge slang dictionary, 2008 Taras)
братки n
gen. compadres (Tanya Gesse)
derog. cronies (yarmakhov)
slang Mob (slang – organized crime denghu)
 Russian thesaurus
браток n
inf. aff dim of брат
братка: 3 phrases in 2 subjects
American usage, not spelling2