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scottish gardyloo (возглас хозяек, выливающих из окна помои // comment by ART Vancouver: историческое пояснение: For much of its history, Edinburgh was a poor place, torn by civil and religious strife, preyed upon by a gangster nobility. It was a dirty city, chronically short of water, whose inhabitants empties chamberpots from tenement windows with a cry of 'Gardyloo!' -- a corrupt form of the French "garde a l'eau", 'mind the water'. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
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gen. conserve water (Gotland started the contest two years ago to encourage locals to conserve water amid a near-disastrous drought in the town, and this year the contest went global, with lawns in the United States, Canada, Britain, Germany, France and Croatia competing for unaesthetic honors. (upi.com) ART Vancouver)
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