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noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
verknüpfen n
chem. bond; couple
ed. relate
Verknüpfen n
agric. binding; fixation; linking up; tying together
verknüpfen v
gen. combine; concatenate; interface; knit; entwist; merge
comp., MS join (To combine the contents of two or more tables and produce a result set that incorporates rows and columns from each table. Tables are typically joined using data that they have in common); link (To connect or associate items or data such as contacts, accounts, or worksheets)
tech. associate; bind; connect; gate; join; knot; link; tie
Verknüpfen v
comp., MS linking (In a project, establishing a dependency between tasks. Linking tasks defines a dependency between their start and finish dates. In OLE, establishing a connection between programs so that data in one document is updated when it changes in another)
verknüpft v
gen. concatenates; knots; linked; concatenated
verknüpfte v
gen. concatenated; knotted; linked; liaised
verknüpfend v
gen. affiliating; concatenating; knotting
Verknüpfer v
gen. linker
AI. functor
Verknüpfen adj.
textile connection
verknüpfen: 48 phrases in 8 subjects
Foreign trade2
Human rights activism1
Information technology15