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noun | adjective | to phrases
vaccine ['væksi:n] n
gen. Impfstoff m; Schutzstoff m; Antitoxin n; Gegengift n
chem. Inokulum n; Inokulat n; Vakzine f (Impfstofftypen siehe Impfstoff); Impfstoff m (Impfstofftypen siehe Impfstoff); Kuhpockenlymphe m
commun. Impfstoffe pl.
econ. Vakzine f (Impfstoff aus toten oder lebenden Krankheitserregern)
emerg.care Impfstoff m
fin., IT, dat.proc. Impfung f
med. Vakzine f
med., pharma. Vaccina m; Vaccinia m; Vakzin n
vaccines n
gen. Impfstoffe m; Schutzstoffe m
pharma. Impfstoff m
Vaccine ['væksi:n] n
pharma. Impfstoff m
vaccine ['væksi:n] adj.
med., pharma. Vaccine; Vaccinum
 English thesaurus
vaccine ['væksi:n] n
IT A program designed to detect computer viruses
med. A substance administered to trigger an immune response against a particular disease. Most vaccines are designed to prevent a person from ever having a particular disease or to only have a mild case of the disease. However, therapeutic vaccines are intended to treat specific diseases. Although researchers are testing vaccines both to prevent and treat HIV/AIDS, no HIV vaccine is currently approved for use outside of clinical trials. see also preventive HIV vaccine, therapeutic HIV vaccine
vaccine: 328 phrases in 14 subjects
Animal husbandry3
Clinical trial1
Health care49
International Monetary Fund1
Natural sciences1
Pharmacy and pharmacology43
Research and development1
Social science1