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noun | noun | verb | verb | adjective | to phrases
tube [tju:b] n
med. organo cilindrico cavo
tube [tju:b] n
gen. tv
econ., stat., el. ampolla f; palloncino m
met. cavità di risucchio
tube [tju:b] v
antenn. tubo a onde progressive a fascio trasversale; tubo a onde progressive a campo trasversale; tubo a onde progressive del tipo magnetrone
med. canale
textile tubetto
tubing ['tju:bɪŋ] v
agric. piantagione di piante allevate in tubo
earth.sc., mech.eng. condotto
tube [tju:b] adj.
agric. vaso
coal. involucro di carta paraffinata; involucro metallico cilindrico
econ. tubo
industr., construct. rocchetto
IT, transp. antenna
met. cono di ritiro
transp. ferrovia metropolitana; metropolitana
transp., mech.eng. camera d'aria
Tube [tju:b] adj.
commer. Tubo
 English thesaurus
tube [tju:b] n
subm. torpedo tube (торпедный аппарат ПЛ Val_Ships)
tube [tju:b] abbr.
abbr. television tube
TUBE [tju:b] abbr.
abbr. Transfer of Undertakings for Protection of Employment (Interex)
abbr., med. Totally Unnecessary Breast Examination (might Happen To A GLM / MILF)
tube [tju:b] abbr.
abbr., oil tb
tube heat exchanger: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Earth sciences1
Mechanic engineering1