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noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
soapbox ['səupbɔks] nstresses
fig. импровизированная трибуна (The madman obtained a soapbox which he stood on at the corner of Broadway and Wall street, to shout out his prophesy of the end of the world.)
fig., disappr. рупор (Additionally, his show has been accused by other media of being a soapbox to promote pro-Putin propaganda. 4uzhoj)
idiom. любимый конёк (как часть выражения "оседлать своего любимого конька" и производных от него: Once Grandpa got on his soapbox about the local election, I found an excuse to slip out of the room. • He's been on his soapbox all day about the new football coach. 4uzhoj)
literal. ящик из-под мыла
soapbox ['səupbɔks] v
gen. вещать с импровизированной трибуны (4uzhoj)
inf. ораторствовать; держать речь (Burdujan)
soapbox ['səupbɔks] adj.
gen. импровизированный (о речи)
disappr. демагогический
soapbox: 19 phrases in 5 subjects