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self test
 self test
meas.inst. Selbstkontrolle; Selbstüberprüfung
comp., MS Selbsttest
health. Eigenanwendung
phys. Selbstdiagnose
| automatic
gen. Automatik; Selbst-
| readout
gen. Anzeige
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
self-test ['self'test]
comp., MS Selbsttest m (A set of one or more diagnostic tests that a computer or peripheral device (such as a printer) performs on itself)
health. Eigenanwendung f
phys. Selbstdiagnose f
tech. Eigenprüfung f; Eigentest m; Selbstprüfung f; Selbsttest m
self test [ˌself'test]
meas.inst. Selbstkontrolle f (feature); Selbstüberprüfung f (feature)
 English thesaurus
Self Test [ˌself'test]
mil., abbr. ST
self test: 13 phrases in 4 subjects