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agric. másodpercek
| grade
agric. bonitás; termőhely-osztály; minőségi osztály
comp., MS fokozat; osztályzat
gov. social.sc. besorolási fokozat
stat. fokozat
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
seconds n
agric. másodpercek
 English thesaurus
second ['sekənd] abbr.
abbr. secd
abbr., auto. sec/Sec
abbr., automat. sc
abbr., IT sec; sec секунда (міра кута і часу)
abbr., scottish s (time)
seconds abbr.
abbr. sec. (Vosoni); secs. (Vosoni)
Seconds n
unit.meas., abbr. S
second grade: 3 phrases in 1 subject