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noun | verb
n profile | n n
gen. プロフィール gai1; プロフィル (purofiru); 横顔 ichi1 news2 nf25; 側面 ichi1 news1 nf05 (そくめん); 人物評価; 注目度
abbr. プロフ
profile ['prəufaɪl] n
gen. 縦断図 River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan) ; 断面切り口の外形を言う、 きりくちのがいけいをいう (danmen) River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
comp., MS プロファイル (To analyze a program to determine how much time is spent in different parts of the program during execution)
construct. 輪郭 (rinkaku); 側面 (そくめん)
 English thesaurus
PROFILE ['prəufaɪl] abbr.
abbr., mil., avia. passive radio frequency interference location experiment
Profile ['prəufaɪl] abbr.
abbr. Passive Radio Frequency Interference Location Experiment
abbr., file.ext. .pro (file name extension)
PROFILE ['prəufaɪl] abbr.
abbr., telecom. program overview and file