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nonchalant ['nɔnʃələnt] adj.stresses
gen. беззаботный (He looked nonchalant enough as he strolled along the Bayswater Road, but inwardly Creed was a mess of nerves.); беспечный; небрежный (‘Has he got a girlfriend?' Jill asked, trying to sound nonchalant.); безразличный (The idea of staying in Oregon was beginning to appeal to her, but Roy was nonchalant about it. • "I'm sorry I'm so late. Have you been waiting long?" he asked. She gave a nonchalant shrug. • ‘Has he got a girlfriend?' Jill asked, trying to sound nonchalant.); бесстрастный; свободно; непринуждённый; индифферентный; невозмутимый (Vince Cable and Ed Balls eyed each other suspiciously, wondering what on earth the other was doing there. George acted nonchalant, trying to keep up the pretence that it was a complete coincidence they had both turned up at the same time.); как ни в чём не бывало (4uzhoj)
Gruzovik развязный
Gruzovik, inf. наплевательский
Makarov. равнодушный
nonchalant: 11 phrases in 3 subjects