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noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
mandate ['mændeɪt] n
gen. Wählerauftrag m (given by the electorate); Regierungsauftrag m; gebieten
bank. Mandatsvertrag m
busin. Auftrag
commun. Vollmacht f
comp., MS Einzugsermächtigung f (A source document that documents an agreement between a payee and a payer based on an understanding that the payee is authorized to collect fixed or variable direct debit payment amounts from the payer's bank account); Vollmacht f (An authorization or command issued by a government authority)
gov. Mandatsgewalt f
law Weisung f; gerichtliche Vertragsbeendigung; Gerichtsentscheidung f
law, ADR Mandat n (e-s Abgeordneten)
polit. Verhandlungsmandat n
sport. Beauftragungsbrief m; Beglaubigungsschreiben n
mandate A command or authorization to act in a particular way given by an administrator to a subordinate, a court to a lower court or an electorate to its representative n
environ. Mandat n
mandates n
gen. Mandate n
mandate ['mændeɪt] v
gen. mandatieren
mandating v
gen. einem Mandat unterstellend
mandate ['mændeɪt] adj.
gen. bevollmächtigen
 English thesaurus
mandate ['mændeɪt] abbr.
abbr. mand
law A judicial command or order proceeding from a court or judicial officer, directing the proper officer to enforce a judgment, sentence, or decree
MANDATE ['mændeɪt] abbr.
abbr., el. multiline automatic network diagnostic and transmission equipment
abbr., scottish MCCIS Austere Northwood Database & Terminal Equipment
mandate: 83 phrases in 14 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution1
Immigration and citizenship1
International Monetary Fund1
United Nations4