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judiciaries nstresses
telecom. судебные права (oleg.vigodsky)
judiciary [ʤu:'dɪʃ(ə)rɪ] n
gen. беспристрастный; критически настроенный; скептический; склонный осуждать; судейская корпорация; судебная власть; судоустройство; система судебных органов; суд; суды; судьи; судопроизводство; система судебной защиты (The judiciary (also known as the judicial system or court system) is the system of courts that interprets and applies the law in the name of the state. The judiciary also provides a mechanism for the resolution of disputes. Under the doctrine of the separation of powers, the judiciary generally does not make law (that is, in a plenary fashion, which is the responsibility of the legislature) or enforce law (which is the responsibility of the executive), but rather interprets law and applies it to the facts of each case. This branch of the state is often tasked with ensuring equal justice under law. It usually consists of a court of final appeal (called the "Supreme court" or "Constitutional court"), together with lower courts. WK Alexander Demidov); рассудительный; правоприменители (the part of a country's government which is responsible for its legal system and which consists of all the judges in the country's courts of law • a member of the judiciary. CALD Alexander Demidov); судебный; судейское звание; юстиция
econ. органы юстиции
law лица судебной профессии; судебное право; судебный корпус (Andrey Truhachev); работники органов правосудия (Andrey Truhachev); судейский корпус (plural judiciaries) usu. the judiciary) the judicial authorities of a country. COED Alexander Demidov); судебные и прокурорские органы (Alex_Odeychuk); органы правосудия (Alex_Odeychuk); судебная система (The judiciary (also known as the judicial system) is the system of courts that interprets and applies the law in the name of the state. The judiciary also provides a mechanism for the resolution of disputes. Under the doctrine of the separation of powers, the judiciary generally does not make law (that is, in a plenary fashion, which is the responsibility of the legislature) or enforce law (which is the responsibility of the executive), but rather interprets law and applies it to the facts of each case. This branch of the state is often tasked with ensuring equal justice under law. It usually consists of a court of final appeal (called the "Supreme court" or "Constitutional court"), together with lower courts.WAD Alexander Demidov)
Makarov. правовой
notar. магистратура (as distinguished from legal profession); судебное ведомство
relig. ниспосланный за грехи (о наказании); справедливый
judiciaries: 80 phrases in 12 subjects
Notarial practice3
Public law1
Security systems1
Trade unions1