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indicatively adv.stresses
gen. показательно (The following paragraphs describe, not exhaustively but indicatively, some ways in which the program may use or communicate collected personal data. • Urartu spread its influence to Transcaucasia. ... Indicatively, royal scribes shifted to Urartian from the Assyrian language used initially.); так (как вводная фраза: The vigilance imposed by all police departments and the cooperation between different police departments has proven to be positive and now more cases are reported and more offenders are being brought to justice. Indicatively, the number of cases reported increased from 9 cases in 2000 to 91 cases in 2004 and 47 in 2005, whereas the number of persons accused increased from 18 in 2000 to 194 in 2004 and 74 in 2005.); указывая на (что-л.); как признак (чего-л.)
busin. ориентировочно (Denis Tatyanushkin); предварительно (You understand that if your application is indicatively approved, this approval is not a loan offer but indicative approval only.)
formal по предварительным оценкам (The poverty reduction strategy is indicatively costed at $2.1 billion, with $1.2 billion representing the current funding gap.)
gram. в изъявительном наклонении
 English thesaurus
indicatively adv.
gen. in an indicative manner ("Let me," he said indicatively, dipping the strawberry into the fall of chocolate. • The abstract was better, written indicatively and discipline-oriented. • The following diagram indicatively illustrates the consensus view reflected in the ten workshop plans. • The following paragraphs describe, not exhaustively but indicatively, some ways in which the program may use or communicate collected personal data. • You understand that if your application is indicatively approved, this approval is not a loan offer but indicative approval only. lexico.com)