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if the shoe fits, wear itstresses
idiom. умей воспринимать критику (when a person has certain behaviors consistent with [unflattering label], then they should not object because they have been described that way oliversorge); тебе виднее (в контекстах, аналогичных следующим: "Are you implying I'm not being a good dad now?" "Well, if the shoe fits..." • "I don't like busy-bodies." "Are you calling me a busybody?" "If the shoe fits, wear it." 4uzhoj); я этого не говорил (но раз ты сам так считаешь – тебе виднее Anglophile)
 English thesaurus
if the shoe fits, wear it
gen. when a person has certain behaviors consistent with unflattering label, then they should not object because they have been described that way (I know you don't like being called unreliable, but if the shoe fits, wear it.)