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noun | verb | interjection | to phrases
hist [hɪst] nstresses
gen. тсс!; тише!; тише
hist! n
gen. чу! (Anglophile)
inf. цыц! (Andrey Truhachev)
obs. чу-ка! (цыц; молчи-ну Супру)
hist. n
SAP.tech. история
hist [hɪst] v
gen. говорить "тсс"; окликать шёпотом; науськивать
hist [hɪst] int.
gen. тс; тс!
 English thesaurus
hist [hɪst] abbr.
abbr. histologic; historian; historical; history
abbr., earth.sc. histidine
biol. histological; histology
hist. abbr.
abbr. historical
abbr., earth.sc. history
HIST [hɪst] abbr.
abbr., scient. History
mil. hospital in-service training
Nasdaq Gallery of History, Inc.
Hist [hɪst] abbr.
abbr., med. histological; histologist
hist: 6 phrases in 3 subjects