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have a lock onstresses
gen. быть уверенным в успехе (sth., чего-л.)
inf., n.amer. кому-либо что-либо обеспечено (вариант требует замены конструкции: Greg may think he has a lock on the promotion, but I'm determined to prove him wrong.); обеспечить себе (He appears to have a lock on the nomination for governor. VLZ_58); держать под контролем (Баян)
 English thesaurus
have a lock on
inf., n.amer. to have complete control over someone or something, or exclusive access to acquire something (Greg may think he has a lock on the promotion, but I'm determined to prove him wrong. thefreedictionary.com); have an unbreakable hold or total control over (Lock is here used in the sense of a hold in wrestling that prevents an opponent from moving a limb: He would sooner see the whole bank go down the drain…than get beaten by us. Unless we develop an even better lock on him—and that won't be easy. thefreedictionary.com); to be assured of (something: He appears to have a lock on the nomination for governor. merriam-webster.com)
have a lock on: 2 phrases in 1 subject