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el. sætte til jord
industr. construct. grundbinding
life.sc. agric. jord
transp. terræn; at give startforbud
cultur. fernisering
el. jordforbindelse
transp. startforbud; udstedelse af startforbud
| emitter
environ. kilde
| transistor
gen. transistorer
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

verb | adjective | to phrases
ground [graund] v
el. jordledning; stel
industr., construct. grundbinding
life.sc. dybde
life.sc., agric. jord
transp. terræn
transp., avia. give startforbud; udstede flyveforbud
transp., el. jordforbindelse
grounding ['graundɪŋ] v
cultur. fernisering
el. jordforbindelse
transp. startforbud; udstedelse af startforbud
to ground v
el. sætte til jord
transp. at give startforbud; strande
grounds [graundz] v
law dommens præmisser; præmisser
 English thesaurus
ground [graund] abbr.
abbr., polym. grd.
mil., abbr. gd; grd; grnd
grounded ['graundɪd] abbr.
abbr., polym. grd.
tech., abbr. grnd
grounded emitter: 1 phrase in 1 subject