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comp., MS 제네릭
processing | system
comp., MS 시스템
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | adjective | to phrases
generics n
comp., MS 제네릭 (A feature of the common language runtime, conceptually similar to C++ templates, that allows classes, structures, interfaces, and methods to have placeholders (generic type parameters) for the data types they store and manipulate. Generic types are a form of parameterized types)
 English thesaurus
generic [ʤɪ'nerɪk] n
pharm. generic drug (4uzhoj)
generic [ʤɪ'nerɪk] abbr.
abbr. gen
Generic [ʤɪ'nerɪk] adj.
physiol., abbr. G
generic: 20 phrases in 2 subjects
Information technology1