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fixtures and fittingsstresses
gen. встроенное оборудование (напр., помещения Vadim Rouminsky); несъёмное оборудование (Vadim Rouminsky); встроенные или установленные элементы оборудования и инвентаря (things such as lights that are fixed or fastened to a house or building and are included as part of the property when it is sold: • Ask the seller of the house to list the smaller fixtures and fittings that are to be left. LBED Alexander Demidov); встроенные или установленные элементы (items that are usually sold together with a property eg carpets, cooker, shower etc. Fixtures and fittings from Liverpool's oldest department store are being sold off before it closes its doors for the final time. Phrase Bank ⃝ A couple who found many fixtures and fittings had been taken from their new Essex home won compensation from the previous owners. ⃝ Original fixtures and fittings can be found at pubs across Wales. ⃝ The fixtures and fittings at the closed theater were auctioned despite a campaign to keep them intact. ⃝ After the wreckage was recovered the police discovered that valuable fixtures and fittings had been stolen from the boat before it sank. Additional Notes ⃝ There are no set definitions for what constitutes a fixture or a fitting, but generally a fixture is understood to be any item that is bolted to the floor or walls, and a fitting to be any item that is free standing or hung by a nail or hook. TED Alexander Demidov); части и принадлежности (Fixtures and fittings All non-structural items, like curtain poles, mirrors and plant pots, which are included in the sale of a property Found op Fixtures And Fittings In business, fixtures and fittings are items normally forming part of the setting in which an organization conducts its business, as distinct from the plant and machinery it uses in conducting the business. Found op Fixtures And Fittings All non-structural items included in the purchase of a property. Found op encyclo.co.uk, probertencyclopaedia.com, douglasandgordon.com Alexander Demidov)
account. принадлежности и инвентарь (это также название одной из статей в формах Баланса компании (Balance Sheet formats))
busin. приспособления и принадлежности; арматура и принадлежности
construct. арматура и фитинги (сети и коммуникации, обеспечивающие водо-, тепло-, газо- и т.п. снабжение зданий); встроенное оборудование (It depends on the state of the property and the fixtures and fittings involved. Alexander Demidov)
econ. принадлежности и инвентарь (строка баланса)
fin. арматура и фитинги
law имущество (Items normally forming part of the setting in which an organization conducts its business, as distinct from the plant and machinery it uses in conducting the business. OxfordBusinessAndManagement Alexander Demidov)
SAP.fin. производственное и офисное оборудование; оборудование фирмы (Items normally forming part of the setting in which an organization conducts its business, as distinct from the plant and machinery it uses in conducting the business. Oxford Economics Dict Alexander Demidov)
fixtures and fittings
: 12 phrases in 4 subjects