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comp., MS Esportazione
commer. esportazione
comp., MS esportare
econ. esportazione
fin. esportazioni
| tender
gen. fare una offerta
market. offerta di pagamento
met. preventivo
transp. tender
risk avoidance
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | to phrases
Export ['ekspɔ:t] n
comp., MS Esportazione m (A report that lists all files under the specified namespace. A number of useful file system properties are included for each file. The generated data is suitable for importing into data processing applications for further analysis)
export [eks'pɔ:t] v
commer. esportazione
comp., MS esportare (To output data and database objects to another database, spreadsheet, or file format so another database, application, or program can use the data or database objects. You can export data to a variety of supported databases, programs, and file formats)
exports v
fin. esportazioni
market., fin. merce da esportare
export EU [eks'pɔ:t] v
econ. esportazione (UE)
 English thesaurus
export [eks'pɔ:t] v
invest., abbr. exp
export tender: 4 phrases in 3 subjects