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entomostracan [ˌentəu'mɔstrəkən] nstresses
fish.farm. рачок (Entomostraca dimock)
Gruzovik, zool. энтомострак (Entomostraca; one of the subclasses of Crustacea, including a large number of species, many of them minute; the group embraces several orders; as the Phyllopoda, Ostracoda, Copepoda, and Pectostraca. See Copepoda, Phyllopoda, and Cladocera)
hydrobiol. относящийся к низшим ракообразным
zool. энтомострак (Entomostraca); низшее ракообразное (Entomostraca)
entomostracans n
Makarov. низшие ракообразные
entomostracan: 1 phrase in 1 subject