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effrontery [ɪ'frʌnt(ə)rɪ] nstresses
gen. наглость (He was ​silent all through the ​meal and then had the effrontery to ​complain that I ​looked ​bored! • She had the effrontery to ask for two free samples.); бесстыдство (She had the effrontery to ask me for more money. • It was the sheer effrontery, the excessive assurance of them which got under my skin.); нахальство (He was ​silent all through the ​meal and then had the effrontery to ​complain that I ​looked ​bored!); беззастенчивость (The arrogant effrontery of the man defied belief.); совесть (в выражениях типа "хватает совести" (синонимы – хватает наглости, бесстыдства): She had the effrontery to ask me for more money. 4uzhoj); см. one has the effrontery to; издёвка (Olya34)
inf. нахрап; нахрапистость; ноздревщина; охальство
effrontery: 7 phrases in 2 subjects