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dollar equivalentsstresses
Игорь Миг условные единицы (This is a case in which the so-called correct translation of "provisional monetary units" isn't useful at all, unless you are sure your audience knows that these provisional units are always the value of the dollar. If they don't, it's better to translate them as "dollar equivalents."berdy2002); у.е. (This is a case in which the so-called correct translation of "provisional monetary units" isn't useful at all, unless you are sure your audience knows that these provisional units are always the value of the dollar. If they don't, it's better to translate them as "dollar equivalents."berdy)
dollar equivalent
econ. эквивалент в долларах; долларовый эквивалент
fin. в долларах США
dollar equivalents: 6 phrases in 4 subjects