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disengagement ['dɪsɪn'geɪʤmənt] n
gen. Losgelöstsein n; Abkoppelung f
agric. Ausschalten m; Losmachen n; Aufmachen f; Ausschließung f; Ausschaltung f; Abschaltung f
chem. Entweichung f
econ. Freimachung f; Loslösung f; Befreiung f; Entlastung f (von Verpflichtungen, Schulden)
phys. Abgabe f; Entbindung f; Freisetzung f
polit. Disengagement n; Auseinanderrücken n (z.B. von Machtgruppierungen, politischen Systemen)
tech. auskuppeln; trennen
transp., avia. Auskuppeln m
 English thesaurus
disengagement ['dɪsɪn'geɪʤmənt] n
mil., logist. Action consisting in extracting a whole unit or part of it, with as few casualties as possible and as quickly as possible. This unit is either positioned or on the move and is surprised by the presence of mines and/or of submunitions. It is possibly engaged by enemy fires while opening one or several avenues of approach or evacuation corridors to get out of the zone. (FRA)
USA The act of geographically separating the forces of disputing parties (JP 3-07.3)
disengagement: 15 phrases in 11 subjects
Information technology2
Labor law1
Mechanic engineering3
Social science1
United Nations1