
Google | Forvo | +
arts. ontwikkelen
immigr. tech. ontwikkelen
market. commun. uitweiden
econ. ontwikkelings-
| economy
econ. economie
environ. economie
fin. commun. nieuwe economie
fin. econ. account. zuinigheid
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

verb | adjective | to phrases
develop [dɪ'veləp] v
arts. ontwikkelen
market., commun. uitweiden
developing [dɪ'veləpɪŋ] v
econ. ontwikkelings-
industr., construct. ontwikkelen
to develop v
immigr., tech. ontwikkelen
 English thesaurus
develop [dɪ'veləp] abbr.
abbr. dev
DEVELOP [dɪ'veləp] abbr.
abbr. Digital Earth Virtual Environment And Learning Outreach Project
developed [dɪ'veləpt] abbr.
abbr. dvlpd
tech., abbr. dev
developed economy: 1 phrase in 1 subject