
Google | Forvo | +
construct. wykrywanie; wykrycie; ujawnienie
el. detekcja
el. acoust. rozpoznanie sygnału akustycznego; rozpoznanie
electr.eng. wykrywanie prądu różnicowego
| and
gen. a; i; jak i
| mapping
bank. przyporządkowanie
| package
semicond. obudowa
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noun | noun | to phrases
detection [dɪ'tekʃ(ə)n] n
construct. wykrywanie n; wykrycie n; ujawnienie n
el. detekcja f
environ. wykrywanie n (działania lub proces zmierzający do dostarczenia dowodów łamania prawa; The act or process of discovering evidence or proof of governmental, legal or ethical violations)
detection in acoustics n
el., acoust. rozpoznanie sygnału akustycznego; rozpoznanie n
detection of a residual current n
electr.eng. wykrywanie prądu różnicowego
 English thesaurus
detection [dɪ'tekʃ(ə)n] abbr.
abbr. detn
mil. Discovery of the presence of a person, object or phenomenon of potential military significance
mil., abbr. det; detec
mil., logist. The discovery by any means of the presence of a person, a unit, an item of equipment or the existence of an adversary activity. Detection does not necessarily imply reconnaissance, identification or precise locating. 2. Electromagnetic detection: detection of an electronic asset by the interception of his emissions (FRA)
USA In tactical operations, the perception of an object of possible military interest but unconfirmed by recognition. see also hazard; In surveillance, the determination and transmission by a surveillance system that an event has occurred. see also hazard; In arms control, the first step in the process of ascertaining the occurrence of a violation of an arms control agreement. see also hazard; In chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear environments, the act of locating chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear hazards by use of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear detectors or monitoring and/or survey teams. (JP 3-11) see also hazard
detection and: 5 phrases in 3 subjects
Criminal law1