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noun | verb | to phrases
contract ['kɔntrækt] n
gen. συμβάλλομαι
comp., MS σύμβαση (The behavior and state that a class provides, which is matched with what a client of that class can expect to hold. A contract is expressed partly by the signatures for all public fields, methods, properties, and events of that class. This is augmented by a description (usually in simple descriptive text) of what each field or property represents, together with what each method does. In the .NET Framework add-in programming model, a non-versioning interface that defines the methods and specifies the data types for transferring data over the communication pipeline between the host and the add-in. The contract is in the middle of the communication pipeline between the add-in and the host. The contract assembly is loaded into the application domains of both the add-in and the host)
econ. σύμβαση
lab.law. σύμβαση έργου "φασόν"
law, construct. σύμβασις
to contract n
coal., met. συστολή
industr., construct. συστέλλω στον αργαλειό
export contract n
insur. εξαγωγική σύμβαση
contracts n
gen. συμβάσεις
contract An agreement between two or more persons which creates an obligation to do or not to do a particular thing. Its essential are competent parties, subject matter, a legal consideration, mutuality of agreement, and mutuality of obligation n
environ. συμφωνητικό
contract [kɔnt'rækt] v
gen. συμβόλαιο
med. συστέλλω συνέστειλα
 English thesaurus
contract [kɔnt'rækt] v
law an agreement between two or more people to do or not to do a particular thing; an agreement between two or more people that makes, changes, or ends a legal relationship
contract report: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Immigration and citizenship1