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cager ['keɪʤə] nstresses
Gruzovik, mining. рукоятник; стволовой (merriam-webster.com); клетовой
inf., disappr. тюремщик (Will Minnesota's prisons join other systems in regular deadly violence between slaves and their cagers? 4uzhoj); тот, кто держит кого-либо в клетке (Will Minnesota's prisons join other systems in regular deadly violence between slaves and their cagers? 4uzhoj)
mining. рукоятчик; податчик у ствола; рабочий в околоствольном дворе; толкатель вагонеток; стволовый; механизм для смены вагонеток в клетях; стволовой; клетевой; плитовой
moto., slang коробочник (водитель автомобиля: Oh and don't be a dickbag rider either who tries to blame cagers for your own stupid unsafe riding if you crash or almost crash trying to show off. • Can we really blame cagers for thinking sportbikers are dangerous assholes? • French bikers are friendly and their cagers are less annoying than British ones, but they still can't park for shit. • Some ignorant cager nearly hit me while I was biking. Idiot obviously wants a U-lock to the face. 4uzhoj)
slang пьяница
sport., slang баскетболист (Korean baseball players are some of the best in Asia and their cagers have always been our arch rivals.)
tech. механизм для смены вагонеток в шахтных клетях
zoot. рабочий, обслуживающий клетки
cager: 16 phrases in 5 subjects