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to phrases
by the same tokenstresses
gen. на том же основании
Игорь Миг точно так же
cliche. руководствуясь той же логикой (ART Vancouver); руководствуясь тем же принципом (ART Vancouver)
idiom. аналогичным образом (When he liked a woman, he loved her, and, by the same token, when he disliked a woman, he hated her. Interex); таким же образом (bigmaxus); таким же макаром (mikhailS); равным образом (There was little evidence to substantiate the gossip and, by the same token, there was little to disprove it. Alexander Demidov); и (I don't think that prices will go up but, by the same token, I don't see them going down either.); по той же причине; по тому же принципу; по той же логике (When he liked a woman, he loved her, and, by the same token, when he disliked a woman, he hated her. Agasphere); равно как и (The petroleum and gas of eastern Ohio, and by the same token, of western Pennsylvania and New York are unquestionably derived from the great shale formation of Devonian and subcarboniforous age that underlies this territory, and they are stored in sandstones overlying or interstratified with these shales.); аналогично (By and large though, there is no need to get hung up on who is "technically" Jewish and who isn't. What really matters is if you want to do Jewish stuff. Let's put it this way – you can be a direct descendent of Moses, but if you aren't interested in trying anything Jewish, the ride is pretty much over. By the same token, you could be Santa Claus himself, and if you want to jump on the Jewish train and see where it takes you, then this is for you. Alexander Demidov); точно так же (You have to show respect for your colleagues, and by the same token they have to respect you. • You think they've cheated you, but, by the same token, they believe that you've cheated them. MargeWebley); в тон (отвечать в тон кому-либо Morning93)
idiom., context. и наоборот (как синоним выражения "аналогично/аналогичным образом": If you give up exercise, your muscles shrink and fat increases. By the same token, if you expend more energy you will lose fat. – Когда вы бросаете заниматься, ваши мышцы уменьшаются в объёме, а жира становится больше. И наоборот, когда вы начинаете тратить больше энергии, жир сжигается. VLZ_58)
by the same token: 2 phrases in 2 subjects