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break ranksstresses
gen. нарушать строй
fig., explan. публично показать своё несогласие с мнением группы, к которой принадлежишь (if a member of a group breaks ranks, they disagree publicly with the rest of the group; to publicly show disagreement or criticism of the group that you belong to: Toricelli angered fellow Democrats by breaking ranks with the leadership. • Would you break ranks with your party and vote against the president's tax bill? • Large numbers of MPs felt compelled to break ranks over the issue. • "Even the President's staunchest supporters have some issues where they simply must break ranks," says Senator Lott. AKarp)
Gruzovik, mil. разойтись (if soldiers or police officers break ranks, they stop standing in lines and move away); расходиться (if soldiers or police officers break ranks, they stop standing in lines and move away)
mil. нарушить строй; нарушать строй (step out of a military formation: Don't break ranks, or the drill sergeant will lose it.); нарушить субординацию (AKarp); выйти из строя; нарушить ряды (В.И.Макаров); выходить из строя; расходиться после построения
break ranks!
mil. разойдись!
break rank
gen. не соглашаться (с чьим-то мнением: the government is prepared to break ranks with the Allied states vogeler); нарушать строй (у полицейских или солдат vogeler); идти наперекор (мнению группы: the government is prepared to break ranks with the Allied states vogeler)
sport. нарушать строй
break ranks: 29 phrases in 4 subjects
Foreign policy1