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be out and aboutstresses
gen. прийти в себя (после болезни); чувствовать себя достаточно хорошо, чтобы заняться (чем-л.)
idiom. быть не дома (по делам, по работе; иногда просто не переводится, подразумевается обычная активность человека – "regularly going out of the house to work, take part in social activity, etc, esp after an illness" Collins English Dictionary; "active; doing the things you usually do" Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus; "well enough to come and go, especially after an illness. For example, I'm glad to see you're out and about again.": When I am out and about, one thing I always bring is my tablet. – С собой я всегда ношу свой планшет. • It's not even a nice place to live anymore. Between the congestion, the noise, planes and fear of what can happen to us when we are out and about, we are looking forward to leaving soon. – ...когда мы выходим из дома / когда мы выходим на улицу • The room was small, but as we were out and about during the day, this was just fine. • It felt quite similar to London, in terms of plenty of gyms around the area, and most people seemed active that I saw out and about. Maybe the reason they can afford a health service is that obesity is less of an issue up here. medium.com ART Vancouver); поехать (по делам, по работе: Out and about with my wife taking care of needs that can’t be done during the week. -- Поехали с женой по делам ART Vancouver); ездить по городу (Our Snow Day has turned to a Slush Day. I have been out and about today but now that the slush is all freezing, I know my limits. Car stays parked. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
inf. выйти пройтись; прогуливаться (esquimo); гулять (esquimo); быть снова на ногах (в знач. "выздороветь") Be well enough to come and go, especially after an illness: Good to see you out and about, mate. • I'm glad to see you're out and about again. 4uzhoj); мотаться по делам (т.е. быть не дома и не в офисе) When I say "I'm out and about" or "I was out and about", I mean that I was away from home or from my desk, going about my business: I'm out and about the whole day but still want to look stylish and trendy. • I looked like a mess when I got home after being out and about the whole day. 4uzhoj); быть в разъездах (особенно в течение дня 4uzhoj)
be out and about: 2 phrases in 1 subject