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noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
arming ['ɑ:mɪŋ] n
gen. mit Waffen ausrüstend
life.sc. Lotspeise f; Lottalg m
tech. Ausrüstung f
transp. Wirkungsbereitschaft f
arm [ɑ:m] v
gen. bestücken mit Waffen; bewehren; rüsten (rüstete, gerüstet)
tech. armieren; bewaffnen; entsichern; panzern; verstärken
arming ['ɑ:mɪŋ] adj.
gen. aufrüstend; bewaffnend
 English thesaurus
arming ['ɑ:mɪŋ] n
mil., abbr. arm
mil., logist. As applied to explosives, weapons or weapon systems, the changing from a safe to an armed state of readiness. (FRA)
USA As applied to explosives, weapons, and ammunition, the changing from a safe condition to a state of readiness for initiation. (JP 3-15)
arming: 22 phrases in 6 subjects
Information technology2
Mechanic engineering4
Weapons and gunsmithing5