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myth. Арей
gen. ар; ар; сотка
agrochem. ар
el. ар
fr. ар
Makarov. ар
math. являются; ар
| divided up
 divide up
gen. делиться
| into
gen. на
- only individual words found

noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
are [ɑ:] nstresses
gen. ар (мера земельной площади); ар (мера земельной площади = 100 кв. м или 0,01 га); сотка (100 sq.m. of land lengik78)
agrochem. ар (0,01 га)
el. ар (1ар — 100 m2)
fr. ар (мера земельной площади = 100 кв. м)
Makarov. ар (100 м2)
math. являются; ар (100 square meters)
obs. суть (глагол 3-го лица множ. числа I. Havkin)
Ares ['eəri:z] n
myth. Арей
S [es] v
geol. силурская эра (редк. MichaelBurov); силурский период (MichaelBurov); силурская система (MichaelBurov); силурская эпоха (устар. MichaelBurov)
ARE [ɑ:] abbr.
geogr. Арабская Республика Египет (LyuFi)
math. асимптотическая относительная эффективность (asymptotic relative efficiency)
med. око (Acute rejection episode moscow-translator.ru mazurov)
trav. ОАЭ (Объединённые Арабские Эмираты; Кодировка ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 ОАЭ: ARE Black_Swan)
 English thesaurus
ARE [ɑ:] abbr.
abbr. Association for Research and Enlightenment; All Routes Explorer (ATM)
abbr., archit., scient. Architect Registration Examinations
abbr., avia., Canada altitude reservation service East
abbr., BrE Admiralty Research Establishment; Assault Royal Engineers
abbr., comp., net. All-Routes Explorer; ATM Routing Engine
abbr., el. algebraic Ricatti equation; audio response equipment
abbr., el., scient. Activated Reactive Evaporation
abbr., electr.eng. automatic reclosing equipment; automatic restoration equipment
abbr., geogr. APE (LyuFi); Arab Republic of Egypt (LyuFi)
abbr., inet. Acronym-Rich Environment
abbr., mil., avia. activated reactor evaporation
abbr., opt. activated reactive evaporation
abbr., physiol. Active-Resistance Exercise; Antioxidant Response Element
abbr., physiol., med. Active- Resistance Exercise
abbr., proj.manag. architect registration exam
abbr., qual.cont. asymptotic relative efficiency
abbr., railw. A. and R. Line Incorporated
abbr., scottish Applicazioni Radio Elettroniche SpA (Italy); Atelier de Construction Roanne (France)
abbr., st.exch. Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc.
mil. acoustic radiation element; airborne radar extension; aircraft reactor equipment; aircraft recovery equipment; auxiliary rocket engine
tech. antenna range equipment
are [ɑ:] n
nonstand. our (просторечие Technical)
ARE [ɑ:] abbr.
abbr. Aeronautical Research Establishment
abbr., comp.name. Applied Reservoir Engineering & Evaluation, Ltd.
abbr., conv.notation. United Arab Emirates (igisheva)
abbr., earth.sc. anion responsive electrode; average relative error
abbr., nucl.phys. aircraft-Reactor Experiment
abbr., oil absolute relative error; activated reaction evaporation; anion response electrode; automatic record evaluation
abbr., space absolute rate error; Apollo reliability engineering
are divided: 33 phrases in 12 subjects
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