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shock [ʃɔk] n
gen. σοκάρω; κλονισμός; σοκ
agric. θημωνιά; σωρός δεματιών σίτου; χειρόβολα
health. κυκλοφορική καταπληξία; καρδιαγγειακή καταπληξία; καταπληξία
life.sc. δόνηση; κραδασμός; κρούση; τρανταγμός
transp. ξαφνική ώθηση
to shock n
agric. θημωνιάζω; κάνω θημωνιές
 English thesaurus
shock [ʃɔk] n
health. shock
metrol. A sudden nonperiodic motion caused by a blow, impact, collision, concussion or violent shake or jar. There are two methods used to quantify and measure shock: specification of a value of acceleration and deceleration together with its duration specification of a height or free fall on to a specified flat surface
SHOCK [ʃɔk] abbr.
abbr., med. Should We Emergently Revascularize Occluded Coronaries For Cardiogenic Shock? (international Randomized Trial)
abbr., relig. Sacred Heart Organization Of Catholic Kids; Share Honor Obey Care Keep
Shock therapy: 3 phrases in 1 subject