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gen. secuencia; serie monográfica
commun. colección
el. en serie; conexión serie
IT el. circuito en serie
math. serie; la serie
soil. serie de suelos
tech. mater.sc. el. máquina con excitación en serie
| of
gen. ante
| actions
comp., MS Acciones
| combining
agric. recolección con cosechadora
| attitudes
bank. actitud
| and
gen. e
| assets
patents. sucesión
| in space and time
 in space and time
meteorol. en extensión y duración
so as | to
inet. a
| accomplish
gen. consumar
| the
gen. el
| various
gen. diferente
| tasks
health. labor
| The
gen. el
| courses of action
 course of action
tech. camino
| permit
gen. aprobacion
| to
inet. a
| carry out
 carry out
gen. exportar
| the
gen. el
| mission
gen. mision
| or
gen. o
| can
agric. mater.sc. lata de conservas
| prevent
gen. cautelar
| its
gen. su
| accomplishment
patents. cumplimiento
| Both
gen. ambos
| types
commun. tipo de imprenta
| must
gen. deber
| be
gen. adicto
| studied
gen. estudiado
| according to
 according to
law conforme a
| the
gen. el
| terrain
gen. terreno
| To be
 to be
gen. suyo
| usable
gen. idoneo
| they
gen. ellas
| must
gen. deber
| be
gen. adicto
| both
gen. ambos
1 | generic
gen. genérico
| enough
math. suficiente
| not
gen. no
| to be
 to be
gen. suyo
| too
gen. demasiado
| numerous
gen. cuantioso
2 | accurate
gen. preciso
| enough
math. suficiente
| to be
 to be
gen. suyo
| clearly
gen. claramente
| differentiated
gen. diferenciar
2 | In
gen. adentro
| the
gen. el
| estimate
comp., MS presupuesto
| process
comp., MS proceso
| an
gen. una
| option
ed. materia optativa
| that
gen. cuales
| will
law testamento
| accomplish
gen. consumar
| or
gen. o
| contribute
gen. contribuir
| to
inet. a
| the
gen. el
| accomplishment
patents. cumplimiento
of a | mission
gen. mision
| or
gen. o
| task
health. labor
| and
gen. e
| from
inet. desde
| which
gen. cual
| a
gen. alguien
| detailed
gen. detallado
| plan
econ. plano
| is
math. es
| developed
bank. desarrollado
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
series ['sɪ(ə)ri:z] n
gen. secuencia f; serie monográfica
auto. serie f (i.e. series circuit)
commun. colección f
el. en serie; conexión serie
IT, el. circuito en serie
libr. colección editorial
math. serie f; la serie
soil. serie de suelos
tech., mater.sc., el. máquina con excitación en serie
transp. Serie f
series Separate works issued at regular or irregular intervals, but less frequently than annually, and bearing a distinctive collective title n
polit. serie f (Obras publicadas de manera independiente unas de otras a intervalos regulares o no, mayores de un año y dotadas de un tìtulo colectivo preciso)
 English thesaurus
series ['sɪ(ə)ri:z] abbr.
abbr. s
abbr., polym. ser.
cinema A sequence of films with continuing characters or themes, but with little other interdependence, especially with respect to plot or significant character development. Until the advent of television series, there were various film series such as The Thin Man and Blondie that were started with the intention of making more than one. In subsequent years, the term would apply to features such as Star Trek: The Motion Picture or Dr. No that made more than one sequel. In modern times, the term "franchise" has been used perhaps cynically to describe to the practice of creating a movie and product-marketing package which is contingent on commercial success. Batman and its sequels are typically used as an example of a franchise. Contrast with serial.
law, abbr. s.
lit. A number of works connected to each other by plot, setting, character etc.
mil., abbr. ser
SERIES ['sɪ(ə)ri:z] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. Satellite Emission Radio Interferometric Earth Surveying; Satellite Emission Range Inferred Earth Survey
Series of: 70 phrases in 23 subjects
Cultural studies1
Earth sciences4
Health care1
Labor law3
Life sciences1
Measuring instruments1
Municipal planning1
Work flow2