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Rådet n
gen. Council of Ministers; Council of the European Union; Council
environ. EU Council The Council of the European Union is an institution which exercises legislative and decision-making powers. At the same time, it is the forum in which the representatives of the Governments of the 15 Member States can assert their interests and try to reach compromises. The Council ensures general coordination of the activities of the European Community, the main objective of which is the establishment of an internal market, i.e. an area without internal frontiers guaranteeing four freedoms of movement - for goods, persons, services and capital - to which should soon be added a single currency. In addition, the Council is responsible for intergovernmental cooperation, in common foreign and security policy (CFSP) and in the areas of justice and home affairs (JHA), including for example matters of immigration and asylum, combating terrorism and drugs and judicial cooperation
polit. Council body
råd n
gen. advice
agric. rot
environ. advice An official notice, opinion, counsel or recommendation that is optional or at the receiver's discretion
Rådet uddannelse, ungdom og kultur n
obs., polit., relig. Education, Youth and Culture Council; EYC Council; EYCS Council
Rådet det indre marked, forbrugerpolitik og turisme n
gen. Internal Market, Consumer Affairs and Tourism Council; IMCT Council
Rådet beskæftigelse og social- og arbejdsmarkedspolitik n
gen. ESP Council; Employment and Social Policy Council
Rådet transport, telekommunikation og energi n
gen. Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council
Rådet retlige og indre anliggender n
polit. Justice and Home Affairs Council; JHA Council
Rådet transport, telekommunikation og energi n
polit., commun., transp. TTE Council
Rådet økonomi og finans n
polit., econ., fin. Economic and Financial Affairs Council; Ecofin Council
Rådet under OECD n
gen. Council of OECD
Rådet konkurrenceevne (det indre marked, industri og forskning) n
gen. COMPET Council
Rådet for Den Fælles Råvarefond n
interntl.trade. Governing Council of the Common Fund for Commodities
Rådet retlige og indre anliggender samt civilbeskyttelse n
obs., polit. Justice, Home Affairs and Civil Protection Council
Rådet industri og energi n
obs., polit., energ.ind. Industry and Energy Council
Rådet fiskeri n
obs., polit., fish.farm. Fisheries Council
Rådet kultur n
obs., polit., relig. Culture Council
Rådet udenrigsanliggender n
polit. Foreign Affairs Council
Rådet landbrug og fiskeri n
polit., agric., fish.farm. Agriculture and Fisheries Council; AGRIFISH Council
Rådet budget n
polit., econ. Budget Council
Rådet beskæftigelse, socialpolitik, sundhed og forbrugerpolitik n
polit., social.sc., health. Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council; EPSCO Council
Råd n
gen. Council
Rådet transport og telekommunikation n
gen. Transport and Telecommunications Council
Rådet landbrug n
obs., polit. Agriculture Council
Rådet udviklingssamarbejde n
obs., polit. Development Council
Rådet uddannelse og ungdom n
obs., polit., ed. Education and Youth Affairs Council
Rådet forskning n
obs., polit., R&D. Research Council
Rådet almindelige anliggender n
polit. General Affairs Council
Rådet almindelige anliggender og eksterne forbindelser n
polit. General Affairs and External Relations Council
Rådet konkurrenceevne (det indre marked, industri, forskning og rummet) n
polit., econ., R&D. Competitiveness Council Internal Market, Industry, Research and Space
Rådet miljø n
polit., environ. Environment Council
Rådet uddannelse, ungdom, kultur og sport n
polit., relig., ed. Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council
 Danish thesaurus
råd abbr.
abbr., mil. rådighed
Rådet: 683 phrases in 44 subjects
Criminal law6
Energy industry6
Fish farming pisciculture13
Health care3
Hobbies and pastimes3
Human rights activism16
Immigration and citizenship7
Information technology5
International law1
International trade14
Labor law1
Mineral products1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1
Natural sciences17
Obsolete / dated13
Private international law3
Research and development4
Social science7
United Nations4