
   Maltese English
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comp., MS application; program
ta | azzjoni
comp., MS action; -do; to-do
Komunitarja biex tkun evitata u kombattuta l vjolenza kontra t | tfal
environ. child
iż żgħażag
- only individual words found

to phrases
programm n
comp., MS application (A Commerce Server application is a logical representation of an application in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS); it appears in both Commerce Server Manager and the IIS console trees. In the IIS console tree an application is either at the root directory level of the Web site or at a subdirectory level of the Web site); program (A set of instructions that a computer uses to perform a specific task, such as word processing, accounting, or data management)
environ. programme
Programm ta' azzjoni Komunitarja biex tkun evitata u kombattuta l-vjolenza kontra t-tfal, iż: 4 phrases in 1 subject
Human rights activism4