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chem. met. polymorphisme
comp., MS polymorphisme
| refers to
 refer to
patents. en appeler à; invoquer; saisir; se rapporter à; s’en rapporter à; invoquer qc
| database
econ. base de données
| structures
IT structure physique
that | send
telecom. transmettre
| the same
 the same
gen. idem
| command
tech. commande
| to
fin. tech. jusqu'au
| different
gen. différent
| child objects
 child object
gen. objet enfant
that | can
agric. mater.sc. boîte à conserves
| produce
textile fabriquer
| different
gen. différent
| results
fin. résultats
| depending on
 depending on
gen. en fonction de
their | family
econ. famille
| hierarchical
IT earth.sc. hiérarchique
| tree structure
 tree structure
IT structure arborescente
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
polymorphism ['pɔlɪ'mɔ:fɪz(ə)m] n
chem., met. polymorphisme m
comp., MS polymorphisme m (In an object-oriented programming language, the ability to redefine a routine in a derived class (a class that inherited its data structures and routines from another class))
med. pléomorphisme f
 English thesaurus
polymorphism Objects n
IT The entire set of data from which a sample is selected and about which an IS auditor wishes to draw conclusions
Polymorphism: 32 phrases in 7 subjects
Fishery fishing industry1
Health care5
Natural sciences1