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Cytokines | secreted
med. apokrin
| by
gen. genom; per; av
| certain
gen. viss
cells | in
gen. i; inne; insistera
| response
comp., MS svar; svar
| to
gen. till
an | antigen
med. engl. antigen
| usually
gen. vanligen
| a virus
 A virus
med. A -virus
Interferon | signals
med. engl. signal
neighboring cells | into
gen. in i
| action
comp., MS åtgärdsetikett
| and
gen. jämte
| inhibits
IT el. hindra
| the
gen. den
| growth
med. tillväxt
| of
gen. av
malignant cells | There
gen. dit
| are
math. asymptotisk relativ effektivitet
| three
gen. tre
| types
comp., MS typ
| of
gen. av
interferons alpha, beta | and
gen. jämte
| gamma
earth.sc. engl. gamma
| Laboratory
environ. laboratorium
| made
gen. göra
interferons | are
math. asymptotisk relativ effektivitet
used to | treat
gen. behandla
| certain
gen. viss
| cancers
environ. cancer
| and
gen. jämte
| opportunistic infections
 opportunistic infection
med. opportunistisk infektion
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

 English thesaurus
cytokine ['saitəukain] n
med. A family of proteins produced by cells, especially by immune cells. Cytokines act as chemical messengers between cells to regulate immune responses. see also interferon, interleukin-2, interleukin-7