
   English Danish
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gen. affutage; lavet; rapert
commun. fundament
mech.eng. underslæde
met. slæde
nat.sc. agric. holdning
transp. construct. tromlehældning
of a | commodity
comp., MS vare; gode
by different modes of transport i.e | sea
environ. hav
| road
environ. vej
rail and air | within
gen. i
| a
mus. a
| single journey
 single journey
transp. enkeltrejse
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | adjective | to phrases
carriages railways n
gen. jernbanevogne
carriage ['kærɪʤ] adj.
gen. affutage; lavet; rapert
commun. fundament
mech.eng. underslæde
met. slæde
nat.sc., agric. holdning
transp., construct. tromlehældning
 English thesaurus
carriage ['kærɪʤ] abbr.
abbr., automat. sliding head stock (ssn)
abbr., IT carr
mil., abbr. cge; crg
Carriage of a: 5 phrases in 5 subjects
Mechanic engineering1