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gen. equity
arts. share
commun. IT engl. action
comp., MS Do
comp., MS Canada share; share
fin. amer. common stock; stock
fin. BrE ordinary shares
law action of trespass on the case
| ayant
gen. International Academy of the Environment
| pour
patents. with regard to
| but
gen. aims
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| mettre fin à
 mettre fin à ...
nucl.phys. bring ... to an end
| un
unions. ENU
| conflit
environ. conflict
| localisé
el. lumped
| ou
comp. OR
| à
gen. per
| une
commun. front page
| agression
polit. aggression
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| rétablir
comp., MS reinstate
| une
commun. front page
| situation
IT dat.proc. status
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| paix
econ. peace
| de faire
 de fait
law de facto
| appliquer
gen. apply to
| le
industr. construct. panel wrap
| droit international
 droit international
patents. law of nations
sans | l
tech. Length
| accord
econ. agreement
| de
earth.sc. Dec
toutes | les principales
 le principal
polit. the main proceedings
| parties concernées
 partie concernée
law tech. party concerned
| et
comp. AND
| autorisant
comp., MS Canada authorize
| d
commun. IT D-star
emblée | l'emploi
gen. employment
| des
earth.sc. Dec
| armes
comp., MS Weapons
| et
comp. AND
| de
earth.sc. Dec
tous | les
law adversely affected
| procédés
IT tech. technical process
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| combat
chem. to combat
aéroterrestre 1 | défense
polit. defence
| d
commun. IT D-star
| un
unions. ENU
| pays
patents. home
| menacé
environ. threatened
| ou
comp. OR
| victime
econ. victim
| d
commun. IT D-star
| une
commun. front page
| agression
polit. aggression
2 | application de sanctions
 application de sanctions
fin. imposition of sanctions
3 | défense
polit. defence
| de
earth.sc. Dec
nos DOM-TOM 4 | interventions
polit. speech
dans | un
unions. ENU
| cadre
gen. administrative staff
| international
IMF. United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
| Terme
comp., MS term
| précédemment
patents. foregoing ***p2
| employé
lab.law. staff employee
| à
gen. per
| la
econ. milk
| place
industr. construct. met. shop
| d
commun. IT D-star
| imposition de la paix
 imposition de la paix
gen. Peace enforcing
| ou
comp. OR
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| restauration de la paix
 restauration de la paix
mil. logist. peace restoration
- only individual words found

to phrases
action f
gen. equity
arts. share
chem. activity; process; method; phenomenon; first runnings; influence
CNC, meas.inst. control action
commun., IT, engl. action
comp., MS Do; To Do (A task on a To Do list in a Works project)
comp., MS, Canada share (One unit of ownership interest in a company); share (One unit of ownership interest in a company)
fenc. fencing action
fin., amer. common stock (SA); stock (SA)
fin., BrE ordinary shares (SA)
law action of trespass on the case; trespass on the case
law, engl. action on the case
med. effect
patents. lawsuit; suit; litigation
rhetor. actio
welf. suit legal (juridique)
actions f
econ. equity capital; equity funds; equities; ordinary shares; equity shares
gerichtlich action f
patents. proceedings
Action ayant pour but de: 2 phrases in 1 subject